NEW RELEASE by JP Toulouse

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JP TOULOUSE produces electronic dance music to make people happy. He has a clear and very specific vision of happiness: Techno and EDM for big rooms and festivals, fast, furious and often with a catchy melody.
After taking first steps in music production on his own he joined the Ick Mach Welle-crew in 2021 and has been producing music with his mentor and producer Alex Découpigny ever since.

For the newly founded label IMW Records he presents 3 tracks with a wide range of styles. MY MOTHER TOLD ME uses an ancient folk melody and lyrics from Iceland and transports them into a modern dance environment. The result is a peak-time hymn for all bigger floors - catchy as f**k. The title track LOST combines JPs fast-paced techno with modern hip hop with Berlin singer and lyricist Ken Yamamoto’s vocals, inspiring people not to give up, even if you might feel lost at times.
DARKMATTER brings together 80s NY house and 2000s EDM, an unheard combination of styles, designed to make you dance. You'll be hearing a lot more from JP Toulouse. Stay tuned!

IMW is a new label linked to the Berlin project Ick Mach Welle, which aims to push for
inclusivity in electronic music and culture. Expect frequent releases covering a wide range of


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Im Oktober 2024 waren Elise Neumann und Khan of Finland nominiert für den Polyton Award in der Kategorie Wildcard. Diese Kategorie zeichnet besondere musikalische Leistungen aus. Nominiert waren unter anderem die Gruppe "Beatsteaks", Helene …
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In October 2024, Elise Neumann and Khan of Finland were nominated for the Polyton Award in the Wildcard category. Category: WILDCARDThe WILDCARD category recognises works, achievements, people or institutions in the context of the …

Ick mach Welle! ist eine Kooperation zwischen der Killekill UG und der Lebenshilfe Berlin gGmbH

Kontakt und Credits

Killekill UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Gubener Str. 36
10243 Berlin
Email schreiben

Lebenshilfe gGmbH
FED-Familienentlastende Dienste
Dohnagestell 10
13351 Berlin
Email schreiben

Fotos: Denise Nietze, Virginia de Diaz
Webdesign: hillmeneutik
Webadmin: Arno Schmittel
Wordpress Theme: Semplice
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