Latest in: Music
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NEW RELEASE by JP Toulouse

JP TOULOUSE - LOST von JP Toulouse JP TOULOUSE produces electronic dance music to make people happy. He has a clear and very specific vision of happiness: Techno and EDM for big rooms and …
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Für Elise bringt EP „Paradiso“ raus!

FÜR ELISE ist eine junge Berliner Band, die aus Killekills integrativem Musikprojekt Ick mach Welle hervorgegangen ist. Die Band besteht aus der Deutsch-Afrikanerin Elise Neumann am Mikrofon und und dem legendären türkisch-finnischen Musikproduzenten und …
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Neue Single von Wellen.Brecher!

Im Jahr 2023 wurde Wellen.Brechers „Tierisch Verboten“ zu einer Art Hymne für die Bewegung,die für Inklusion und Vielfalt kämpft. "Was muss man denn machen, um dazuzugehören? - Was muss man denn machen, um dazuzugehören?“ …
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In the Mix: New mix by JP Toulouse

First mix from JP, who has been with us for a while, techno of the harder kind and EDM. Full banger material !!
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Release: Bläck Dävil – Schnäll Schnäll EP

Today marks the release of Bläck Dävil's debut EP 'Schnäll Schnäll' on Killekill and we couldn't be prouder of him! As one of the first-generation artists we've collaborated with at Ick Mach Welle, it's …
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Out now: Wellen.Brecher’s ‚Hitmaschine‘

'Hitmaschine‘ is a vinyl 4-tracker including two original tracks from the band plus a remix from french master -The Hacker- and a cover version from our friends -21 Downbeat-. The digital release comes with a …
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Release: Schrunzel – Schprampf um die Galaxis

Schrunzel’s "Schprampf Um Die Galaxis" is out today physically and on all streaming platforms! The vinyl release is strictly limited to 30 copies and each one comes with an unique artwork crafted by Schrunzel …
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Release: Superbrains Vol.1 is out now !

'Superbrains Vol.1' is a showcase for the Berlin-based, inclusive music project 'Ick Mach Welle', an initiative which has been bringing together musicians, with and without visible disabilities, for the last 5 years. Featuring solo …
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Premiere: Bläck Dävil -Komischet Jedudel @ Electric Shapes

Ahead of the 'Superbrains Vol.1' release on the 15th of April we spoil you with another premiere: It’s 'Bläck Dävil - Komischet Jedudel' - a smooth Deep House groover ... Thanks to Electric Shapes …
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Premiere: Dj Magio – Breakdancer @ whypeopledance

'Whypeopledance' from Lithuania is premiering one of the forthcoming tracks from our VA Compilation 'Superbrains Vol.1' which will be released on April the 14th 2023. We are delighted to be picked since 'whypeopledance' is …


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Im Oktober 2024 waren Elise Neumann und Khan of Finland nominiert für den Polyton Award in der Kategorie Wildcard. Diese Kategorie zeichnet besondere musikalische Leistungen aus. Nominiert waren unter anderem die Gruppe "Beatsteaks", Helene …
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In October 2024, Elise Neumann and Khan of Finland were nominated for the Polyton Award in the Wildcard category. Category: WILDCARDThe WILDCARD category recognises works, achievements, people or institutions in the context of the …

Ick mach Welle! ist eine Kooperation zwischen der Killekill UG und der Lebenshilfe Berlin gGmbH

Kontakt und Credits

Killekill UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Gubener Str. 36
10243 Berlin
Email schreiben

Lebenshilfe gGmbH
FED-Familienentlastende Dienste
Dohnagestell 10
13351 Berlin
Email schreiben

Fotos: Denise Nietze, Virginia de Diaz
Webdesign: hillmeneutik
Webadmin: Arno Schmittel
Wordpress Theme: Semplice
Wir danken dem Semplice Team herzlich für den Support! 
