Hey guys … 2023 went more than splendidly for our guys from Wellen.Brecher and as the crowning finale of the season they had the honour to perform live at the Popkultur Festival !
Here are a few pictures from the gig …

Hey guys … 2023 went more than splendidly for our guys from Wellen.Brecher and as the crowning finale of the season they had the honour to perform live at the Popkultur Festival !
Here are a few pictures from the gig …
Ick mach Welle! ist eine Kooperation zwischen der Killekill UG und der Lebenshilfe Berlin gGmbH
Kontakt und Credits
Killekill UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Gubener Str. 36
10243 Berlin
Website: www.killekill.com
Email schreiben
Lebenshilfe gGmbH
FED-Familienentlastende Dienste
Dohnagestell 10
13351 Berlin
Website: www.lebenshilfe-berlin.de
Email schreiben
Fotos: Denise Nietze, Virginia de Diaz
Webdesign: hillmeneutik
Webadmin: Arno Schmittel
Wordpress Theme: Semplice
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