POLYTON AWARD nomination for projekt „FÜR ELISE“

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In October 2024, Elise Neumann and Khan of Finland were nominated for the Polyton Award in the Wildcard category.

Category: WILDCARD
The WILDCARD category recognises works, achievements, people or institutions in the context of the pop cultural spectrum, regardless of the categories and the evaluation period. e.g. Individuals or institutions that have made a contribution to music creators or the music landscape, a person's entire oeuvre/lifetime achievement, a cross-sectoral overall concept of a work, commitment/activism/actions/initiatives, interfaces with the cultural and creative industries (including design, fashion, film, gaming, art, literature, performing arts, etc.), journalistic achievements, and much more.

The following artists were nominated:

Work: Beatsteaks - AJZ Tour through East Germany 2024 // Achievement: Social commitment through pop // Nominees: Beatsteaks
Work: Giovanni Zarrella - Flag campaign at the Thurn und Taxis Schlossfestspiele // Achievement: Social commitment through pop // Nominees: Giovanni Zarrella
Work: Helene Fischer x Shirin David - ‘Atemlos durch die Nacht (10 Year Anniversary Version)’ // Achievement: Cross-genre remake of a record-breaking hit // Nominees: Helene Fischer, Shirin David
Work: Sarah Farina - Overall creation // Achievement: Social commitment through pop // Nominees: Sarah Farina
Work: Tobias Reitz - Promotion of young talent // Achievement: Social commitment through pop // // Nominee: Tobias Reitz
Work: Für Elise - Inclusive music project

You can check the whole press article here: PRESS ARTICLE POLYTON

Check their instagram profile for more information:

Unfortunately, the project didn't win the award in the end, but we are delighted that ‘Für Elise’ was included and nominated alongside such high-calibre artists as Beatsteaks, Sarah Farina and Helene Fischer.

Keep up the good work and we are sure next time you will win it!

Here you can listen to the music of "Für Elise":

Soundcloud Link


Featured Image
Im Oktober 2024 waren Elise Neumann und Khan of Finland nominiert für den Polyton Award in der Kategorie Wildcard. Diese Kategorie zeichnet besondere musikalische Leistungen aus. Nominiert waren unter anderem die Gruppe "Beatsteaks", Helene …
Featured Image
In October 2024, Elise Neumann and Khan of Finland were nominated for the Polyton Award in the Wildcard category. Category: WILDCARDThe WILDCARD category recognises works, achievements, people or institutions in the context of the …

Ick mach Welle! ist eine Kooperation zwischen der Killekill UG und der Lebenshilfe Berlin gGmbH

Kontakt und Credits

Killekill UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Gubener Str. 36
10243 Berlin
Website: www.killekill.com
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Lebenshilfe gGmbH
FED-Familienentlastende Dienste
Dohnagestell 10
13351 Berlin
Website: www.lebenshilfe-berlin.de
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